Safety Planning Domestic Violence Overland Park

What is Safety Planning?

Understanding & Implementing a Safety Plan

A safety plan is a personalized, detailed plan that is created to enhance your safety.

A safety plan can be tailored to a variety of situations including while in an abusive relationship, planning to leave an abusive relationship, or after having already left the relationship. Safety planning around domestic violence in Overland Park should be unique to your individual experience and continue to evolve with your circumstances. Special attention should be given to periods of potential escalations, including leaving the relationship, court hearings/sentencing, holidays/family events, child exchanges, employment changes, etc.


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About Us

Safehome is a nonprofit organization dedicated to breaking the cycle of domestic violence in our community.

We offer free services, including a 24-hour hotline, shelter, individual and group counseling, and court and legal assistance. Through these programs, approximately 8,000 individuals each year receive the support they need to live independent and violence-free lives. Since 1980, our vision has been the same- to empower survivors and their children to live a life free of domestic violence.

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Get help.

Safehome is here to help. Call our 24-hour hotline at (913) 262-2868.

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Partner with us as we empower survivors.