Group via Zoom | New Groups coming soon!  Stay tuned.

Survive & Thrive!

Survive & Thrive!

Let’s heal together!

During and after domestic violence, people are all at different points in their journey to healing – and coming together with others is a big part of recovery. This is a group where people at all stages in the healing process are welcome.

Each week, a pair of therapists from Safehome lead this group with an intro topic related to healing from abuse, and then facilitate the conversation where you can share and learn with group members. This group is run over ZOOM video call.

No one is required to share, because we know people have different comfort levels. 

Topics: using different coping skills, understanding abusive behavior, physical health after abuse, creating your new life, and more!

Day: Monday. Groups are run for several weeks each quarter, with a small break in-between.   The next upcoming break will be coming soon.  Please stay tuned.


TeleHeath Group Benefits, Responsibilities, and Rights


  1. You can continue building skills and awareness to support your healing. 

  2. We can meet as a group without potential exposure to COVID-19. 

  3. You can learn with and from other people.  

  4. You’ll be able to connect to other people who have similar experiences. 



  1. To keep confidential the identities of group members and all that they share. 

  2. To connect with both video and audio. 

  3. To set up my environment to be as private and as free as interruptions as possible. This includes no phone calls, emails or texting. Consider moving pets from the space. 

  4. To connect from the same place each session, unless you are away and notify us of the change.  


  1. Use a fictitious name or only an initial as on-screen identification. 

  2. To request a group facilitator contact you to debrief within 24 business hours of group. 

  3. Temporarily leave the group should you feel unsafe or have a need to take care of. 

  4. Withdraw from the group.  

Sign Up

We can’t wait to see you! Please shoot us an email stating what group you are interested in and we will get you all set up.


Phone: (913) 432-9300

More Info

Checkout our blog on what to expect and how to prepare yourself when joining a teletherapy group here!