Our Current Schedule
Click here to view our February/March schedule!

Heal With Us Through 2025!
We’re stronger together.
Support Groups give clients a chance to share their stories with others who hold similar experiences so they can understand that they are not alone. These groups cover a range of topics that may include women empowerment, coping strategies, co-parenting with an abuser or the impact of trauma on relationships. We believe these groups can be an essential part of the healing process for some survivors. Support Groups are free and available to survivors but you must be registered to attend.
Support Groups start at 5:30pm and will end no later than 7:30pm (unless otherwise stated).
Things to know.
- Call 913-262-2868 to register.
- Please be sure to arrive a few minutes early in order to start on time.
- An intake packet including a Release of Information and Confidentiality Agreement must be complete prior to attendance.
- Support Groups are confidential.
- Guests are not allowed.
- Childcare is available for children of adult clients during support group but space must be reserved in advance.
February/March Group Descriptions.
The beginning of the year is often a time to reflect, renew creativity, and plan for the year ahead. This is especially important for domestic violence survivors as creativity, fun, self-expression, and identity suffer when we are in survival mode. In this group we will create vision boards to visualize the life we are striving toward. (If you have done a vision board before, come again and notice what goals are the same and what has changed!) We will use other creative arts to explore our identity and our experience. Supplies will be provided, but feel free to bring your own additions. This group is for any survivor from DV.
Facilitated by Casey
Mondays: February 17th & February 24th at 5:30pm - EXPLORING FAMILY DYNAMICS (IN PERSON)
When an abuser is present, family dynamics may be demanding, competitive, or abandoning. Each family member responds and adapts to survive and get their needs met. When the abuser or other family members leave, the dynamic in the family shifts. In this group, we will discuss family roles, such as the hero child, the mediator child, the mascot child, the lost child, and the scapegoat child. Each role has strengths and vulnerabilities, and those may change as the family changes. Do the roles change when co-parenting in separate homes? So much to unpack and room for lively discussions! Let’s explore and enjoy supporting one another. See you there!
Facilitated by Kimberly
Tuesdays: March 4th & March 11th at 5:30pm - HEALTHY COPING SKILLS (IN PERSON)
Are you struggling with anxiety or some emotional distress as you face situations you never anticipated? Healthy coping skills are important and can help you manage an array of situations in life or help you take action in areas where you may be stuck. We will explore and share different healthy coping skills that may help you as you chose to move forward.
Facilitated by Dorothy
Wednesdays: February 19th, February 26th & March 5th at 11:30am - CUIDADO PERSONAL (VIRTUAL)
El autocuidado es importante porque puede ayudar a manejar y recuperarse de problemas como el estrés, la ansiedad y la depresión. El cuidado personal aumenta el buen estado de ánimo, la energía y la concentración.En tiempos inciertos como los que sentimos ahora el cuidado personal es muy necesario. Incluye actividades físicas, mentales, emocionales sociales y espirituales Durante el grupo, aprenderemos rutinas diarias que podemos implementar para mantenernos mas saludables y superar los problemas.El grupo es un grupo abierto personalizado para sobrevivientes de violencia doméstica.Los participantes pueden contribuir y compartir sus propias rutinas de autocuidado. Dejará cada grupo inspirado para un nuevo amanecer.
Facilitated by Martha
Thursdays: February 20th, February 27th, March 6th & March 13th at 12pm