A safe space for domestic violence survivors

Support Groups

Our Current Schedule

Click here to view our November schedule!
**Please note, we are undergoing some construction. Therefore, Fall groups will take place VIRTUALLY.

Heal With Us Through 2024!

We’re stronger together.

Support Groups give clients a chance to share their stories with others who hold similar experiences so they can understand that they are not alone. These groups cover a range of topics that may include women empowerment, coping strategies, co-parenting with an abuser or the impact of trauma on relationships. We believe these groups can be an essential part of the healing process for some survivors. Support Groups are free and available to survivors but you must be registered to attend.

Support Groups start at 5:30pm and will end no later than 7:30pm (unless otherwise stated).

Things to know.

  1. Call 913-262-2868 to register.
  2. Please be sure to arrive a few minutes early in order to start on time. (Virtual meetings)
  3. An intake packet including a Release of Information and Confidentiality Agreement must be complete prior to attendance.
  4. Support Groups are confidential.
  5. Guests are not allowed.
  6. Childcare is available for children of adult clients during support group but space must be reserved in advance. (Virtual meetings)

VIRTUAL November Group Descriptions.

    The holidays are coming up and that can present special challenges as we start or continue our recovery from domestic violence. In this group we will explore these challenges, as well as coping skills and positive changes that can support joy and wellness through this season.
    Facilitated by Dorothy & Casey
    Mondays: November 4th, 11th & 18th at 5:30pm
    We will grieve what we loved. There was, and possibly still remains, love for the partner who turned into an abuser. Perhaps you had children together, and co-parenting with him is very different, very difficult, and stressful. Friends and family may not understand that you are grieving someone so hurtful. It is normal to grieve the person with whom you built dreams, created a family together,
    experienced adventures together. We need to grieve that which was once loved and no longer exists. How do we do that? Let’s discuss.
    Facilitated by Kimberly & Martha
    Tuesdays: November 5th, 12th & 19th at 5:30pm
    El abuso doméstico a menudo comienza con amenazas y abuso verbal y aumenta la violencia. Y aunque las lesiones físicas pueden ser el peligro más obvio, las consecuencias emocionales y psicológicas del abuso doméstico son graves. Las relaciones emocionalmente abusivas pueden destruir tu autoestima, provocar ansiedad y depresión, y hacerte sentir impotente y solo. El primer paso para liberarse es reconocer que su situación es abusiva. Una vez que reconozca la realidad de la situación abusiva, puede obtener la ayuda que
    necesita. Durante el grupo aprenderemos y practicaremos pasos básicos para pedir auxilio.
    Facilitated by Martha
    Thursdays: November 7th, 14th & 21st at 12:00pm